Digitized Theses and Dissertations (1940 - 2009)

Permanent URI for this communityhttps://hdl.handle.net/10657/3932

About UH Libraries' Digitized Theses and Dissertations Project

University of Houston (UH) Libraries is engaged in a multi-year project to digitize and deliver online its collection of print theses and dissertations dating back to 1940, making the full breadth of scholarship produced by UH students more readily accessible around the world. There is no cost to the author for this service.

Alumni and other readers will be able to view these works as they are processed and made available through UH's open access repository. Works that are presumed to be under copyright will be restricted only to users who have an active CougarNet ID.

Please note, text may be faint or difficult to read, and pages may be missing or misnumbered in the print copies of theses or dissertations. UH Libraries staff have made every effort to provide the highest possible quality representation of the original works. To protect privacy and other rights, some personally identifiable information and/or copyrighted material is redacted from the works in this collection.

Theses and dissertations will continue to be made available through interlibrary loan (ILL) to other libraries, as when they were only available in print.

Requests for withdrawing works (except electronic theses and dissertations) must be directed to the online Takedown Request Form. Any other questions about this project may be directed to cougarroar@uh.edu.
