Industry education and training : records management



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With the new and expanding technological advances in information processing as reported in the literature, a myriad of problems have also evolved--causal factors in the emergence of the field and profession of records management. The literature presents very little information on how these new professionals, records managers, their workers or their clientele are educated or trained. The purpose of this study was to provide information regarding the status of records management education and the status of records management training in industry (including business, government, institutions, and all other organizations). In addition, the study was designed to determine the records manager's perception of the ideal records management education and training program. Specific research questions of the study are as follows: 1) What work groups are currently being educated in records management education/training programs and what work groups are currently being trained in records management education/training programs? 2) What formats/methods are being used to educate and train these work groups? 3) What is the records manager's perception of the ideal records management education/training program? What work groups should be educated and what work groups should be trained in this ideal program? What formats/methods should be used in this ideal program? A distinction was made between education (concepts) and training (tasks) in the study. [...]



Business records, Business education
