APeX 2023-2024

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10657/15090

This collection gathers recordings and materials presented as part of the 2023-2024 APeX Lecture Series


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
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    Using evolution and development of Antarctic fishes to understand adaptation to climate changes past and present
    (2024-02-28) Daane, Jaccob
    Climate change is expected to disrupt weather patterns and alter habitat boundaries, exerting pressure on species to either migrate or adapt to their changing environments. Over the past 30 million years, Antarctic notothenioid fishes have diversified from a common ancestor into numerous descendant species following prolonged global cooling. This diversification offers an opportunity to retrospectively analyze their adaptive responses to past climate change events. Moreover, these fish, known for their adaptation to frigid and thermally stable waters, are highly susceptible to ocean warming, making them valuable sentinel species in the present era. Here, I will discuss comparative genomic approaches to reconstruct patterns of trait evolution in relation to historical climate change events. Additionally, I will discuss initial efforts to model the impact of climate change on embryonic development, a vulnerable stage in fish thermal adaptation. These findings establish a foundation for predicting species adaptability in the modern era.
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    Medicine's Mesh of Stories: How the Practice of Narrative Medicine Drives Cross-Campus Collaborations and Community Engagement
    (2024-01-31) Nash, Woods
    For physicians, to practice narrative medicine is to recognize, absorb, interpret, and be moved by stories of illness. These skills are vital to good care. As a medical humanities scholar, I take narrative medicine in new directions. First, in ethics, I argue that "cases" miss the point. Instead of case's narrow framework, medical students should grapple with fictional stories' complexities, which better prepare them for real-world problems. Second, I co-lead Off Script, a twice-annual event that teaches participants to respond carefully to others' stories and to convey their own in compelling ways. The storytellers become better-equipped to partner with patients and to engage in impactful health advocacy. Finally, I contribute to an innovative collaboration - led by physician Winston Liaw and writer Martha Serpas - training medical students to reflect not only on patients' stories but also on those of families and neighborhoods in the marginalized communities we seek to serve.
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    Microbiome: A vital resource for changing climate and food securities
    (2023-10-25) Khan, Abdul Latif
    We need to increase food production to 45% to sustainably feed a projected human population of 9.6 billion by 2050. The sustainability of conventional plant growth practices has become increasingly challenging due to climatic changes (cold, heat, flooding, and drought). Microbiome, associated with plant life, has been coined as a “second functional genome” composed of highly diverse and active microbial symbionts. This presentation focuses on how microbiome engineering can be utilized to overcome the adverse impacts of climate change. We used cutting-edge molecular, genome sequencing, and bioinformatics approaches to dig deeper into understanding the functional role of microbiomes. We attribute core-microbiome species' diversity as a significant response function in resistance against climate-induced changes. We evaluated microbes' gene networks and biosynthetic pathways for producing beneficial metabolites and establishing strong symbiotic relationships to combat stress-factors. Thus, microbiome engineering can reprogram the adverse effects of climatic stresses on plant productivity.
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    Start Early to Strengthen the STEM Pipeline: How to Boost Girls' Interest in STEM
    (2023-09-27) Master, Allison
    Gender gaps in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) remain a large educational problem. One source of gaps involves stereotypes associating men with higher ability and interest in STEM. This talk describes how such beliefs contribute to inequity in education, and illustrates how to remove psychological barriers for girls and women in STEM. Stereotypes that girls are less interested than boys in STEM emerge early and contribute to gender disparities. My studies documented the existence of stereotypes among thousands of diverse children and adolescents in Grades 1-12, with negative consequences for girls’ interest, sense of belonging, and participation, especially in computer science and engineering. My data also offer explanations for variation in women’s underrepresentation across STEM fields. The discussion will center on how educators and parents can promote students’ motivation in STEM. Addressing stereotypes before they take root in the minds of children may remedy disparities and improve educational equity.