Field Notes From Carbon Doomsday: Poems



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I've been obsessed with climate change for as long as I can remember. The first inklings of this project probably started smoldering back in high school; I once wrote a whole chapbook on the theme over the course of twenty-four hours, though the craft of that particular project was rudimentary at best. This project, though, has larger stakes for me, which is perhaps why I had such a hard time synthesizing my experience of writing it. I know intellectually that no single document can cure the world's ills, but that doesn't mean I didn't want to try. [...]



Ecopoetics, Creative writing


Portions of this document appear in: Williamson, Rosalind. “Adrift” Defunkt Magazine 1, 2019. ; and in: Williamson, Rosalind. "Quarantine, Day 365" Inkling Creative Arts Magazine 30 & 31, 2020-2021.