I think I can’t: Drink refusal self-efficacy as a mediator of the relationship between self-reported drinking identity and alcohol use



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Addictive Behaviors


This study examined the relationship between self-reported drinking identity (SRDI), defined as how closely individuals believe drinking is a crucial aspect of their identity (Conner, Warren, Close, & Sparks, 1999), and alcohol use by considering drink-refusal self-efficacy (DRSE) as a potential mediator. Based on previous findings, we expected that SRDI would be negatively associated with DRSE and positively associated with drinking, and that DRSE would be negatively linked with drinking. Further, we expected that DRSE would mediate the association between SRDI and drinking. Participants included 1069 undergraduate students (M age = 22.93 years, SD = 6.29, 76.25% female) from a large southern university who completed computer-based study materials. Gender was associated with SRDI, each of the DRSE subscales, and drinking, indicating that males report greater SRDI, lower DRSE, and increased alcohol consumption. Consistent with expectations, SRDI was negatively linked with DRSE and positively linked with drinking. DRSE subscales were negatively associated with drinking. Further, four measurement models for latent variables were tested for SRDI and each of the three DRSE subscales. Results showed that the emotional relief and social subscales of DRSE mediated the association between SRDI and drinking, however this mediating relationship did not emerge for the opportunistic subscale. Implications of these results are discussed.



Identity, Self-efficacy, Alcohol, Drinking


Copyright 2014 Addictive Behaviors. This is a post-print version of a published paper that is available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306460313003110. Recommended citation: Foster, Dawn W., Nelson Yeung, and Clayton Neighbors. "I Think I Can't: Drink Refusal Self-Efficacy as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Self-Reported Drinking Identity and Alcohol Use." Addictive Behaviors 39, no. 2 (2014): 461-468. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2013.10.009. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission.