Rewards/outcomes : a multidimensional approach



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A review of the motivation literature reveals the central role played by outcomes or rewards. Despite this centrality, not very much is known about the dimensions of these rewards. Knowledge of these dimensions would have scientific and practical significance. A survey of 88 individual non-monetary incentives and forms of recognition was created. These were rated for attractiveness by a sample of Air Force enlisted personnel who were classified by sex and rank. The attractiveness ratings were factor analyzed and seven clear dimensions of rewards emerged. These were Recognition, Tangibles, Time Off, Education, Participation, Social, and Choice/Control. A MANOVA was performed in which sex and rank functioned as independent variables and factor scores on the seven factors were used for dependent variables. Results indicate group differences in preference for classes of outcomes both between males and females and levels of rank Scientific and practical implications are discussed and recomendations for further research are made.



Reward (Psychology), Motivation (Psychology)
