Santiago, Ariana2017-07-062017-07-062017-03-23Santiago, A. (2017, March 23). Teacher efficacy and its implications for instructional librarians. Presented at the ACRL 2017 Conference, Baltimore, MD. presentation was given at the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Conference in Baltimore, Maryland on Thursday, March 23, 2017.How confident are you in teaching particular concepts, using certain pedagogical strategies, or engaging students in the classroom? Teacher efficacy – or a teacher’s beliefs in their capability to achieve desired outcomes in student learning – influences student achievement and motivation, teacher motivation, burnout, and more. Visit this poster to learn more about teacher efficacy, its importance in the context of library instruction, and strategies for fostering teacher efficacy beliefs.en-USteacher efficacyself-efficacylibrary instructionTeacher efficacySelf-efficacyLibrary instructionTeacher Efficacy and its Implications for Instructional LibrariansPoster0000-0002-0362-6549