Cheung, MonitHuang, Yu-JuBergquist, Kathleen Ja SookLondon, JulietKelly, ToniWalker, Arnitia2024-01-142024-01-142021-09 is the full-text volume of the Child and Family Journal of Innovative Practice and Research, Vol. II No. 2 (September 2021). It is an online journal published jointly by the Child and Family Center for Innovative Research and the Title IV-E Child Welfare Education Project within the Graduate College of Social Work. It can also be found at the CFJ University of Houston webpage: Issue 2.2 focuses on the topic of ethnic differences in dialogue.en-USChild and family welfareSocial workSocial work practicePractice and researchCultural humilityRace and ethnicityCulturally competentChild and Family Journal of Innovative Practice and Research, Vol. 2, No. 2Article