Olvera, Ozny2019-04-112019-04-112019-04-12https://hdl.handle.net/10657/3943This project was undertaken with Shainy Varghese, Ph.D., APRN, CPNP and Sonya Wade, DNSc, APRN, FNP-BC.According to the CDC, about 1 in 4 people currently have the HPV virus (2018). The current CDC recommendation is that all children ages 11-12 years of age receive two HPV vaccines 6-12 months apart. As infection with HPV progresses, it can lead to preventable cancers such as cervical cancers in women and penile cancers in men. Despite the availability of the HPV vaccine, vaccination rates continue to be low. With the susceptibility of HPV preventable cancers, the lowered vaccination rates are a cause for concern to healthcare providers. Research has shown that when a provider makes a strong recommendation for the HPV vaccine, parents are more likely to vaccinate. This evidence-based practice project explores the effects of a presumptive provider-led recommendation to vaccinate versus ancillary staff on compliance in vaccination.en-USHPV vaccine efficacyHPV vaccination uptakehuman papillomavirus vaccine efficacyHPV vaccine randomized controlled trialsHPV vaccinationHPV vaccine efficacyHPV vaccination uptakeHuman papillomavirus vaccine efficacyRandomized controlled trialsHPV vaccinationIncreasing the HPV Vaccination Rates: A Primary Care InitiativePresentation