Ivers, Steven N.Baranov, Stephan A.Sherlock, TimKourentzi, Katerina D.Ruchhoeft, PaulWillson, Richard C.Larin, Kirill V.2020-03-112020-03-112010Copyright 2010 Biomedical Optics Express. Recommended citation: Ivers, Steven N., Stephan A. Baranov, Tim Sherlock, Katerina Kourentzi, Paul Ruchhoeft, Richard Willson, and Kirill V. Larin. "Depth-resolved imaging and detection of micro-retroreflectors within biological tissue using Optical Coherence Tomography." Biomedical optics express 1, no. 2 (2010): 367-377. DOI: 10.1364/BOE.1.000367. URL: https://www.osapublishing.org/boe/abstract.cfm?uri=boe-1-2-367. Reproduced in accordance with the original pblisher's licensing terms and with permission from the authors.https://hdl.handle.net/10657/6225A new approach to in vivo biosensor design is introduced, based on the use of an implantable micron-sized retroreflector-based platform and non-invasive imaging of its surface reflectivity by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). The possibility of using OCT for the depth-resolved imaging and detection of micro-retroreflectors in highly turbid media, including tissue, is demonstrated. The maximum imaging depth for the detection of the micro-retroreflector-based platform within the surrounding media was found to be 0.91 mm for porcine tissue and 1.65 mm for whole milk. With further development, it may be possible to utilize OCT and micro-retroreflectors as a tool for continuous monitoring of analytes in the subcutaneous tissue.en-USDepth-resolved imaging and detection of microretroreflectors within biological tissue using Optical Coherence TomographyArticle