Busch, Steven D.2015-08-162015-08-16May 20132013-05http://hdl.handle.net/10657/954The appraisal system and perceptions surrounding the appraisal system in a medium sized suburban school district in southeast Texas were examined in this investigation. The specific purpose of this study was to reveal how administrator perceptions influence the appraisal process. Information gained from this study may be helpful in determining the validity of the appraisal instrument regarding teacher effectiveness as well as its use as a predictor of student achievement. In addition, results of the study may influence related research concerning evaluation and supervision and the extent to which the current evaluation system serves its intended purpose. A descriptive analysis of both survey results and interview responses served to identify administrator perceptions regarding the appraisal process and how those perceptions influenced the implementation of the appraisal instrument. Recommendations for campus and district leaders for improving the implementation of the appraisal process are included in this study. Recommendations include examining models that work in neighboring districts and across the state and nation in order to make change based on those findings. Furthermore, central administration must create a vision that provides a clearly defined purpose for the teacher appraisal process. Campus leadership must be provided the training and the support to implement the district’s vision. A system of accountability must be developed in order to ensure consistency among campus leadership teams across the district.application/pdfengThe author of this work is the copyright owner. UH Libraries and the Texas Digital Library have their permission to store and provide access to this work. Further transmission, reproduction, or presentation of this work is prohibited except with permission of the author(s).Appraisal processAdministrators' perceptionsProfessional leadershipTHE INFLUENCE OF ADMINISTRATOR PERCEPTIONS ON THE TEACHER APPRAISAL PROCESS2015-08-16Thesisborn digital