Ohl, C.D.Oguz, H.N.Prosperetti, Andrea2020-03-102020-03-102000-07Copyright 2000 Physics of Fluids. Recommended citation: Ohl, C. D., H. N. Oguz, and Andrea Prosperetti. "Mechanism of air entrainment by a disturbed liquid jet." Physics of Fluids 12, no. 7 (2000): 1710-1714. DOI: 10.1063/1.870421 URL: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.870421 Reproduced in accordance with the original publisher’s licensing terms and with permission from the author(s).https://hdl.handle.net/10657/6110It was shown in recent work that the crests of surface disturbances on a falling jet are a powerful agent for air entrainment at the free surface of a liquid pool. The paper explores the opposite case in which the jet is disturbed so as to form an axisymmetric trough, rather than a crest. It is found that no air is entrained in this case. The paper concludes with some considerations on the validity of a recently proposed model for air entrainment.en-USFluid jetsBubble dynamicsMechanism of air entrainment by a disturbed liquid jetarticle