Colvin, Alexander2018-03-142018-03-142017Copyright 2016 Journal of the American Revolution. Recommended citation: Alex Colvin. “Religious Liberty in Virginia: How “Dissenters” Parlayed Oppression Into Freedom.” Journal of the American Revolution, October 2016. URL:’s role in helping to spearhead Disestablishment and religious freedom has not received the treatment it deserves although it was, itself, a moving force behind Virginia’s entre into the Revolution. It was, in fact, Virginia which ultimately spearheaded and codified separation of church and state, after a reform movement which itself played a significant role in Virginia’s joining the independence movement. This essay examines and articulates that role.en-USAmerican RevolutionDisestablishmentReligious freedomAmerican Independence MovementVirginia in the American RevolutionAmerican RevolutionDisestablishmentReligious freedomAmerican Independence MovementVirginiaReligious Liberty in Virginia: How "Dissenters" Parlayed Oppression into FreedomArticle0000-0001-9787-5900