Bertram, Julie E.Narendorf, Sarah C.McMillen, J. Curtis2018-04-302018-04-3010/11/13Copyright 2013 Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. This is a post-print version of a published paper that is available at: Recommended citation: Bertram, Julie E., Sarah Carter Narendorf, and J. Curtis McMillen. "Pioneering the Psychiatric Nurse Role in Foster Care ()." Archives of psychiatric nursing 27, no. 6 (2013).. DOI: 10.1016/j.apnu.2013.09.003. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission. youth served in the foster care system have elevated rates of mental health disorders and are high users of mental health services, yet concerns have been raised about the quality of this care. This paper describes the details of a psychiatric nurse’s work within a multidisciplinary team to address gaps in care for older youth with psychiatric disorders. We describe the process, outcomes, and lessons learned in developing and piloting a psychiatric nurse intervention for older youth in the foster care system as part of a multidimensional treatment foster care program. Our experiences support further work to develop a role for nursing to improve the quality of mental health treatment in foster care.en-USFoster carePsychiatric nursesQuality of careNursing rolePioneering the Psychiatric Nurse Role in Foster CareArticle