McGowan, BethanyOstrosky, Jennifer2018-08-102018-08-102018-07-20 presentation will show how librarians are supporting the design of active learning curricula by assisting instructors with the selection of appropriate support material and by designing appropriate pre-class and in-class activities. Such support offers STEM librarians a scalable way to include information literacy competencies in instruction. We will discuss how streaming videos, like the JoVE Video Journal, can be assigned as pre-work to replace parts of lectures. And, we’ll share results of a recent study from Clemson University and DeSales University, which suggest that students who watch just 5-minutes of video before class score better on quizzes.en-USSTEM librarianshipJoVE Video JournalActive learning curriculaSTEM resourcesSTEM librarianshipJoVE Video JournalActive learning curriculaSTEM resourcesHow Librarians Can Positively Impact STEM Students: Active Learning Design & Video ResourcesPresentation