Vaidhyanathan, VedanaChan-Park, Christina2018-08-102018-08-102018-07-20 University STEM librarians hold “office hours” in the Baylor Science Building (BSB) which houses the six science departments. We have a table and tablecloth which we set up near Starbucks where we meet with students and faculty both by appointment and spontaneously. Over Summer 2017, the table was stolen for a second time so we did not immediately replace it until we could find a secure storage space. We continued holding office hours in the BSB during the interim at unoccupied tables. However, interactions decreased despite using the table cloth. So, we bought a new table and a lock.en-USSTEM librarianshipEmbedded librarianshipSTEM librarianshipEmbedded librarianshipTable It and They Will ComePresentation