Studies in the identification of acyclic alcohols boiling from 117[degrees] through 123[degrees] C.
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It was the purpose of this Investigation to prepare certain derivatives of a selected group of alcohols in order that differentiation could be made among these alcohols by the preparation of the fewest possible number of derivatives. Three of the six alcohols of this group, butanol-1, pentanol-2 and 2-methylpentanol-2 were obtained commercially. Their purification and the synthesis of 3-methylpentanol-3,2,3-dimethylbutanol-2 and 2,2-dimethylbutanol-3 were accomplished in this laboratory. The preparation of the previously unprepared p-nitrobenzoates, hydrogen 3-nitrophthalates, hydrogen phthalates, hydrogen tetrachlorophthalates, N-phenylcarbamates, N-p-nitrophenylcarbamates, N-[proportional to]-napthylcarbamates and N,K-diphenylcarbamates were undertaken. The following new compounds were prepared...