A report of practices, procedures, and materials used by teachers develop pupil competencies in original written composition, grades three through six in the Houston, Texas, public schools



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The purpose of this project was to determine practices, procedures, and materials employed by teachers of grades three through six of the Houston, Texas, Public Schools, from September, 1960, to January, 1963, which developed pupil competencies in-original written composition. A well-defined method of procedure was followed. A planned program of original written composition was presented beginning September, 1960, and continued through January, 1963. In-service telecasts were presented to teachers for the purpose of stimulating interest in creative expression. A series of in-school telecasts was presented td pupils and teachers to stimulate interest, to impart information, and to release creativity. Bulletins, periodicals, and bibliographies were provided faculties for study. Faculties were encouraged to study, to try out ideas, to share information, to use resource persons and materials, to Judge the quality of compositions, and to evaluate the effect of the project on pupils. [...]


