A survey of participation in co-curricular activities of sixty-five 1963 and 1964 graduates at San Jacinto College, Pasadena, Texas, who attended Texas senior colleges



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This survey was limited to the San Jacinto College graduates in the spring of 1963 and 1964. San Jacinto College is a junior college located in east Harris County, Texas, encompassing five independent school districts. Opening in September, 1961, the enrollment was 876, and in September, 1966, it was 4386. This survey was concerned with the graduates' participation in co-curricular activities at San Jacinto College and the Texas senior colleges they attended, not in their academic achievement. This investigation was focused on the following general areas: 1. In what co-curricular activities did the students participate at San Jacinto College? 2. In what co-curricular activities did the students participate at the Texas senior college or university they attended? 3. To what degree did they participate at each collegiate level? 4. Did participation in organizations at San Jacinto College relate to their participation in like activities at the Texas senior college? 5. Did the organizations to which they belonged at San Jacinto College contribute to their adaptation in the receiving college? 6. Were the aims of the activity program of San Jacinto College as expressed in the college catalogue realized by the graduates surveyed? [...]


