Selection of intervention approaches in relation to presenting concerns and counselor characteristics
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Ten well-known approaches to delivering psychotherapy were investigated. The likelihood of using each approach to deliver therapy to adults on an individual, outpatient basis was reported by 100 psychologists who provided such therapy at the time the study was conducted. Respondents represented a sample of the doctoral level membership of Houston Psychological Association. Three theoretical models which have been advanced to predict selection of interventions were tested. A split-plot analysis of variance indicated that significant sources of variation in reported likelihood of using each intervention approach could be attributed to therapists' theoretical orientations, and also to the specific nature of clients' presenting concerns. However, the interaction of theoretical orientation with presenting concern was found to have no significant effect on likely use of each intervention approach. Post-hoc analysis using Tukey's HSD revealed that orientation and presenting concern tended to explain variation in likely use of intervention approaches in the mid to lower range of probable useage. [...]