Revising the affective sensitivity scale form D-80
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The Kagan Affective Sensitivity Scale (KASS) has undergone several revisions since its inception in 1965, but there still appear to be problems with reliability between the two existing forms, E-80 and D-80. The present study attempts to determine whether Form D-80 can be modified successfully so that it correlates more consistently with Form E-80. Since Form E-80 has historically been the most reliable of the two, experimental revisions involving internal consistency were made in Form D-80 in order to improve upon interform reliability. More specifically, semantic alteration of certain response alternatives was undertaken, as previous research had shown them to detract from internal consistency and reliability. Undergraduate psychology students were used as subjects for the present study. Data was collected using a pretest posttest design with a one month interval between measures. Individual item analysis was undertaken, as well as an examination of internal consistency for all four forms, E-80 and three revised D-80 experimental forms. The significance of the experimental form's individual correlations with Form E-80 was also examined along with their stability over time. [...]