The disposition of student misconduct in institutions of higher education
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Problem. This study has been conducted and reported as statistical analysis research for the purpose of determining whether the disposition of student misconduct in institutions of higher education is significantly affected by stated institutional characteristics. Procedures. Twenty-one null hypotheses were listed with regard to factor characteristics and interaction of factor characteristics comprising the research dimensions. A questionnaire presented ten behavioral issues that were divided into five topics: (1) cheating, (2) use of alcoholic beverages, (3) theft, (4) mass demonstrations, and (5) sex offenses. The five choices of disposition action were: (1) ignore, no action; (2) warning and/or counseling; (3) probation; (4) suspension; and (5) expulsion. Institution action was recorded for first, second, and third student offense action. A pilot study was conducted on institutions with characteristics similar to those categorized institutions to be surveyed. [...]