A pseudo language processor for design validation and implementation of systems



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This thesis presents a general description of a Pseudo Language Processor and detailed descriptions of the procedure file maintenance and parsing error-recovery capabilities contained therein. The Pseudo Language Processor performs analysis in the form of determining syntax correctness and the presence of data flow anomalies contained in Pseudo Language or Design Language programs. The Pseudo Language used is that of a context-free granmar supplemented by production-driven semantic actions to facilitate the desired analysis. The Pseudo Language forces the programmer/designer to identify the functional components of the program/system design by using control structures and restricting the English sentences to commands. The language is loose enough to permit a wide variety of constructs but structured enough to lend itself to analysis by a software translator. A procedure/verb library is illustrated to allow for the inclusion of file-resident routines into the Design Language job stream and also for the saving of identified procedures in the file system. Parsing error-recovery is in the form of repairing local syntax errors by inserting or deleting tokens and effectively functions for single omissions of required tokens or single inclusions of illegal tokens not in close proximity.


