A Quantitative Study and Analysis on Transitioning Day Habilitation Clients with Autism Spectrum Disorder into Vocational Success
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Abstract Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects the lives of children, adults, and those who work with them. Living with ASD is a challenge, from how persons think and learn to problem solving. When a person is identified on the spectrum, early work must begin to create support for them. Early and proper support for these individuals can push them toward independence, jobs, and personal goals they want to attain. The problem is that lack of support and intervention can create unfortunate circumstances for individuals on the spectrum. Purpose: Nationally, regionally, and locally, when creating a space for persons with ASD, there has been a gap. The goal is to create interventions that can close this gap. Each person living with ASD will need a specific plan to push them further. Doing so will change the way interventions and support are, as well as changing the perceptions of schools and employers in this community. There is a low school-to-employment pipeline for those on the spectrum. This research reviewed vocational goals and objectives, individualized educational programs (IEPs), and client progress in a vocational education facility. Method: This study focused on the effectiveness of vocational habilitation IEPs as they align with client vocational and employment success. The intervention incorporated the vocational goals as part of the IEP. Data was reviewed to determine how the client progressed toward those specific goals throughout the year. The targeted goal setting could provide means to improve the employment numbers and statistics for clients with ASD. This plan used four case studies to answer the following questions: First, to what extent, if any, is the rate of change in goals and objectives for clients at a vocational habilitation center with ASD based on the implementation of the intervention? Second, To what extent, if any, is the vocational IEP more specific to transitional outcomes for clients in a vocational rehabilitation program? Results: In this research, four clients had goals and objectives reviewed for the rate and average, according to a ladder of prompting. The goals were also examined to track modifications or changes to the vocational IEP. One key finding concerned the rate of change drawn from the analysis. Another very particular finding exposed how ratings may change because of the vocational trainer assigned to the client. This study exposed the need for correct progress monitoring, as it affects accommodating individuals with ASD. This study also exposed the need for vocational training to ensure the ladder of prompting is being adequately followed. Conclusion: Amongst the four clients who were examined in this study, the data reviewed current interventions at a vocational rehabilitation center. The study showed the rate of change amongst the clients, and the modifications and changes made to the goals and objectives from 2017 through 2019. The findings show how day habilitation centers can lead focus-driven progress monitoring and training to ensure accurate data to better serve clients. This study can create the framework for expanding new knowledge in the field of ASD interventions and transitioning.