What Are the Factors That Lead People To Adopt Electric Vehicles?: Your Governments Want To Know
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The ongoing global energy transition towards sustainable practices introduces a myriad of uncertainties, particularly in the realm of infrastructure investment to accommodate the rise of electric vehicles (EVs). This project addresses the pivotal questions surrounding the pace and determinants of the transition to EVs, exploring the intricacies of infrastructure development that governments must grapple with. Focused on the local and state governments in the greater Houston area, the project seeks to provide guidance on the rate of EV adoption and the underlying causal factors influencing this shift. As policymakers grapple with decisions on what infrastructure to build, where to deploy it, and the urgency of installation, the research aims to empower the Houston region in incorporating essential insights into their strategic planning for future infrastructure. By shedding light on the dynamics of EV adoption, this study contributes valuable perspectives to aid local and state governments in navigating the uncharted territory of sustainable transportation infrastructure.