An application of correlation profile analysis to the correlations between juvenile delinquents



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The purpose of this study was to apply Tryon's technique of cluster analysis to the intercorrelations between twenty-five wale juvenile delinquents in the Houston, Texas, area. In the study the correlations were nade considering the delinquents to be the variables and the stimulus items the population of traits. The stimulus items used in this study were the fifty items comprising the Psychopathic Deviate scale of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Tetrachoric correlations were computed from the true or false responses to the items. The resulting correlational matrix was analysed by cluster analysis utilising Tryon's technique of correlation profile analysis, and four major clusters were isolated, two of which had within them sub-clusters. Although no attempt was made to interpret the clusters, a definition was given for each cluster in tertis of the items to which the entire cluster responded alike. The results of the study indicate that several types of delinquents exist within the group as indicated by the responses to the population of traits. These types, however, are not definite end clear cut, as a considerable number of responses to the items were common to all of the subjects. These findings indicate that clusters in cluster analysis, of correlations between persons, are relative, probably depending to a large extent upon the group used as variables and the items used as the population. The further use of cluster analysis by Tryon's technique in the analysis of correlations between persons for criminological research was suggested from the study. Also there appeared the necessity of validation of the clusters against outside criteria such as court records, behavioral records, or other such information.



Youths, Delinquency
