Physical Layer Security in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Under A Hybrid Full-/Half-Duplex Receiver Deployment Strategy



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IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications


This paper studies physical layer security in a wireless ad hoc network with numerous legitimate transmitter-receiver pairs and eavesdroppers. A hybrid full-duplex (FD)/half-duplex receiver deployment strategy is proposed to secure legitimate transmissions, by letting a fraction of legitimate receivers work in the FD mode sending jamming signals to confuse eavesdroppers upon their information receptions, and letting the other receivers work in the half-duplex mode just receiving their desired signals. The objective of this paper is to choose properly the fraction of FD receivers for achieving the optimal network security performance. Both accurate expressions and tractable approximations for the connection outage probability and the secrecy outage probability of an arbitrary legitimate link are derived, based on which the area secure link number, network-wide secrecy throughput, and network-wide secrecy energy efficiency are optimized, respectively. Various insights into the optimal fraction are further developed, and its closed-form expressions are also derived under perfect self-interference cancellation or in a dense network. It is concluded that the fraction of FD receivers triggers a non-trivial tradeoff between reliability and secrecy, and the proposed strategy can significantly enhance the network security performance.



Physical layer security, ad hoc network, full-duplex receiver, outage, stochastic geometry


Copyright 2017 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. This is a pre-print version of a published paper that is available at: Recommended citation: Zheng, Tong-Xing, Hui-Ming Wang, Jinhong Yuan, Zhu Han, and Moon Ho Lee. "Physical layer security in wireless ad hoc networks under a hybrid full-/half-duplex receiver deployment strategy." IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16, no. 6 (2017): 3827-3839. DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2017.2689005. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author's permission.