An investigation of the effect of the Follow Through Program on selected behavior and personality constructs of Mexican American pupils



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The major purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the Corpus Christi Independent School District's Follow Through Program on selected behavior and personality constructs of participating Mexican American pupils. The behavior constructs investigated were achievement and absenteeism. The personality constructs investigated were self-concept and motivation. A secondary purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the instruments used to determine achievement, self-concept and motivation. The study involved an experimental and a comparison group. The experimental group consisted of second and third grade pupils who were enrolled in the Follow Through Program. The components of the program were: (1) bilingual instruction; (2) medical and dental services; (3) guidance and psychological services; (4) social services; (5) parental involvement; (6) nutrition; (7) staff development; and (8) evaluation. The comparison group consisted of second and third grade pupils in two similar schools. The pupils were involved in the Title I Diagnostic Reading and Mathematics Program. The Static Group Comparison statistical design was used to determine the differences between groups. The data were treated through the analysis of variance technique. The Pearson (product/moment) correlation coefficient statistical technique was used to determine the correlation between test and subtests. The significance of differences and correlation were tested at the .05 level. The instruments used to measure achievement were the Science Research Associates Assessment Survey, the Inter-American Test of Reading, and the Pruebas de Lecture. The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory and the Self-Concept and Motivation Inventory were used to measure self-concept. The Self-Concept and Motivation Inventory was used to measure motivation. Absenteeism was determined by the number of days pupils were absent during the 1973-74 school year as reported by the Attendance Register. [...]



Mexican Americans, Education (Elementary), Texas, Corpus Christi, School attendance, Academic achievement, Follow Through Program (United States)
